Social Networking Site

Anjali Bhavsar
5 min readAug 14, 2021


Social Networking sites allow users to communicate with their friends, other people, share posts, ideas, events, memories, and activities within their own networks. There are many social networking sites that have millions of users, like Facebook, MySpace etc.

Now, We know that use of social networking site is increasing. People use different sites based upon their interests and requirements. Our Social Networking Site Project comprising various features like Timeline, About, Follower, Following, Photos, Setting, Group, post, message another user, change profile or cover photo, profile updating etc.

Software Specification

For Website: 

Technology Implemented: Apache Server

Language Used: php

Database: MySQL 

User Interface Design: HTML, AJAX 

Web Browser: Microsoft Edge

For Software Product: 

Operating System: Windows 10 

Programming Language: PHP 

Software: XAMPP Server

About Project

This social networking site provide platform to users so they can socialize with others and business people can advertise their products in their trusted friend circle.

Login Page

This page is login page using this existing user can log in into their account here they need to give email and password to log in into site.

Sign Up

This is sign up page so that new user can also register and use this site.

Home Page

After successfully log in to account this above page is home page. There are so many services provide by our site like Timeline, About, Followers, Following, Photos, Groups and settings. here user can change profile and cover photo.

First service is Timeline Here user can see all activities of his/her own account and also his/her friend’s accounts.


In about page there will be something that user want to put as their bio and user can change that by using settings service.

About Page

Working of follower-following service:

First, talking about search bar using that we can find people by their name and also we can send them friend request.

Search Bar
searched people

Follower and Following Service:

Rutvi is loged in and find anjali by using searchbar after clicking on anjali’s profile, above page will open and then after clicking on follow button rutvi can send friend request to anjali. Then when anjali came online an log in to her account she can see increased number of followers and in follower tab she can see rutvi’s request and then by clicking on that she can also follow rutvi.

After that in rutvi’s home page anjali will be added in followers tab.

Finally, Followers page shows list of account that follow this user.

Followers list

Photos service will show all the photos that is posted by user.

Photos Panel

Working of Group service:

Group Page

To create group click on create group button.

creating Group

Here user can give group name and can make group public or private.

After creation of group it will shows that group name in group tab.

Below shown page is group’s home page.

Group of Friends

User can invite people by sending them invite link.

After receiving that invite link that accounts will become members of the group. Admin can change cover photo of group.

In Groups user can see all the groups in which is user is part of that group.

Working of post service:

Using Timeline or home page there will be option for post something, we can upload our post on this site. in this we can write some text and select choose file we can upload photos from device.

If we want to delete or edit image and cover so we also can delete that using that button.

Delete post
Edit Post

By using settings user can edit his/her information.

Setting Page

Flow chart:



While developing the system a effort has been made to create and develop a software package, making use of available tools, techniques and resources — that would generate a proper system for social networking site. While making the system, I tried to make it as user-friendly. I also tried that the system will be acceptable to any user and will adequately meet his/her needs.



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