Stock management System
In our daily routine, there is basic need of cement in construction area. there are many types of cement in construction like white cement, PPC, OPC,HSR, roof special, concrete, white topping etc. owner have to take note on every products in book or notepad also take note on each distributor and customer that is very difficult to find one specific product or customer etc. that’s why i made one online tool which based on ERP system.
This project is based on distribution of different company’s Cement in one click. customer can easily find out which types of Cement or which particular product with specific company they want to that customer have one benefit that they see type , category, capacity of cement.
Project has divided into 3 parts and this parts are include 3 type of users.
- Customer
- Distributor
- Admin
The 1st page is login page.

In this page there 3 types of login are included and also one option if are you distributor then select that check box.
- if you are already a customer then write mobile number and password and click sign in .you are able go to next page.
- if you are new user and want to login in this page then click register a new membership and this page is looks as below page.

3.if you are distributor then click on admin Panel.
In the project whatever we add, submit, login all information are stored in database .for that i used SQL bulk database. i have made is web application using and also used Admin LTE as a framework.
Sql Server bulk Database:
SQL Server supports exporting data in bulk (bulk data) from a SQL Server table and importing bulk data into a SQL Server table or non partitioned view.
- Bulk exporting refers to copying data from a SQL Server table to a data file.
- Bulk importing refers to loading data from a data file into a SQL Server table. For example, you can export data from a Microsoft Excel application to a data file and then bulk import that data into a SQL Server table.
Admin panel:
This panel is also known as owner of service. this panel is only use for owner, There is full access for owner he can add or remove distributor also check or add stock. In Admin panel there are major 3 pages. first one is distributor details, second one is add distributor and last one is stock.

In Admin panel if owner want to add distributor then he can easily add details once he fills up this from and submit details then he can see if data inserted or not. This is secure panel we write password but when we click on submit, he can’t able to see password because i add encryption method to hide displays data inserted or not.

When we click on show button it will go to next page that is distributor this we can see distributor name and is fetch from the database. we can’t able to see password but it is available on database in encrypted form.

In Admin Panel, there is last page that is stock .it is a dynamic page means if owner add stock then automatically update in this page. admin (Owner) can see what amount of stock is there and add stock vice versa.
User Panel:
User panel used for customers. they can submit their profile so distributor can see which person are them customers. in this page customer have to write their name, mobile number, gender, age address etc. if customer do some mistake or do some changes in profile then they can use edit option. but we can not edit name and mobile number because using mobile number we have to login this system.

ER Diagram:
In this project all details are inserted in database regularly. so that’s why i made one ER diagram for all data.

Software Requirement:
Fronted: ASP.NET (C#), HTML,CSS.
Backed: MsSQL.
Flow Chart of the project: